No more real-life hangovers for Zach Galifianakis. The actor, 43, has "stopped drinking," he told Conan O'Brien on a Wednesday, May 15 appearance on Conan. Looking noticeably thinner, the bearded comic star revealed he "was getting into too much trouble with the drinking." It was one incident in particular during a drunken night out on the Lower East Side of Manhattan that inspired the Hangover III standout to lay off the sauce.
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Taking a long walk home, "I'd gotten into the whiskey that night, and was listening to my headphones," he explained. Crossing Ludlow Street, "this guy in a Jaguar cut me off," he said. Intoxicated and annoyed, the star retaliated. "As he cut my off, I hit the car as hard as i could with my hand."
Seconds later, Galifianakis got a tap on the shoulder. "I turn around, it's two huge 6-foot-6 guys [from the Jaguar]," he recalled. "They both, at the same time, spit in my face!"
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"I don't know if you've ever been spit in the face non-sexually," he joked to O'Brien, "But all I remember is being so stunned." As his assailants walked away, "I remember reaching into a trash can and grabbing a beer bottle and saying out loud, 'Nobody spits in Galifianakis' face!'"
He threw the bottle at the car -- but, thankfully, "It missed!"
Galifianakis wed longtime love Quinn Lundberg in Vancouver last August.
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