Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Celebrities: Disney Princesses Make Like Miley Cyrus, Ruin Our Childhood

Disney Princesses Make Like Miley Cyrus, Ruin Our Childhood

Miley Cyrus has already ruined the memories of Hannah Montana for most fans.

That's what happens when the actress behind that former Disney Channel character cuts her hair... Twerks up a storm... lights up on stage... and treats most layers of clothing as if they're optional.

But now Miley has gone ahead and permanently scarred our childhood recollections of many other Disney characters as well.

Or Michele Moricci has done so, to be specific. The artist was commissioned by Cosmopolitan to recreate a trio of iconic princesses as Miley in her many recent incantations, from riding a wrecking ball naked to wearing a onesie to backing her backside up.

It's seriously disturbing stuff:

  • Belle on a Wrecking Ball
  • Little Mermaid Like Miley
  • Cinderella Twerking

We'll never look at Belle, Cinderella or The Little Mermaid the same way ever again.

What do you think of these Disney portrays? They are...


The Hollywood Gossip


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