Tuesday, May 21, 2013

The Bachelorette Rap Video: Desiree Hartsock Featuring Soulja Boy (Seriously)

The Bachelorette Rap Video: Desiree Hartsock Featuring Soulja Boy (Seriously)

Desiree Hartsock rapping is kind of adorable but also really awkward, and she does so alongside Soulja Boy in a special Bachelorette music video.

Yes, we're serious. Not exactly earth-shattering Bachelorette spoilers here, but she and a bunch of suitors recorded this on the season's first group date.

Take a look, and try not to cringe too noticeably:

Remember Emily O'Brien, from Ben Flajnik's season? That girl could RAP. Desiree Hartsock? Not so much. We've seen THG's interns do better.

Then again, that's Des for you. She was always a little bit awkward, not your stereotypical pulled-together girl, which is why we love her so hard.

On the other hand, one of the guys dresses up like Jason Mesnick's son, Chris Harrison appears at the end, and Soulja Boy's career is apparently over.

So it's not without merit. Call this one a wash.

The Hollywood Gossip


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