Thursday, September 19, 2013

Big Brother 15 Winner: Andy Herren, GinaMarie Zimmerman or Spencer Clawson?

Big Brother 15 Winner: Andy Herren, GinaMarie Zimmerman or Spencer Clawson?

The winner of Big Brother 15 has been crowned at last. Did Andy Herren, GinaMarie Zimmerman or Spencer Clawson walk away with the top prize?

Let's find out how this controversial season ended ...

We join the final Head of Household competition Round 1, where Spencer Clawson is out pretty quickly and Andy Herren falls shortly thereafter.

GinaMarie Zimmerman had the upper hand heading into Round 2, but Andy eventually wins the final Head of Household and faces a tough debate.

He feels GinaMarie deserves to be in the finals (and vice versa), but bringing Spencer to the finals would guarantee victory. Because it's Spencer Clawson.

Andy chooses to evict Spencer. Speaks to his character.

Now it's up to the jury. Helen, Candice, Jessie, Amanda, Elissa, McCrae and of course, Aaryn Gries, will all get a vote in deciding this half million.

The jury grills GinaMarie Zimmerman and Andy Herren and they give their final speeches. Andy seems more confident, relaxed and ready to win.

Spencer votes for Andy, McCrae votes for Andy, Judd votes for GinaMarie, Elissa votes Andy, Amanda votes Andy and Aaryn's vote goes to GinaMarie.

Helen's vote is for Andy and he has the majority. It's over!

Andy Herren Photo

Not only did he play a good game, but he's a nice guy.

Seemed like he was one of the few who made it through a whole summer without uttering ugly slurs about people, and he made his way to the top.

Nice guys do finish first? In his case, by a 7-2 margin.

Congratulations, Andy Herren!

Good fight, Spencer and GinaMarie. Along with Aaryn, you both may have a hard time finding employment after you get back home, FYI. But good fight.

The Hollywood Gossip


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