Thursday, September 19, 2013

Epic Wheel of Fortune Snafu Costs Contestant Chance at $1 Million

Epic Wheel of Fortune Snafu Costs Contestant Chance at $1 Million

Pity Paul Atkinson, THGers.

On a Wheel of Fortune episode this week, the contestant landed on the $ 1 million wedge and was only a few steps away from winning the show's grandest prize.

First, however, he had to solve the puzzle, which appeared pretty darn easy because only one letter was missing from "Corner Curio Cabinet."

But Atkinson mispronounced one of the words… Pat Sajak could not accept his response… and the next player answered properly, leaving Atkinson full of regret and frustration, as you can see here:

“I was nervous! I’ve got Pat freaking Sajak to my immediate right... I’ve got lights and cameras in my face," Atkinson told ABC News. "I knew I messed up. I knew something awesome could've happened, but I totally goofed it."

At least Atkinson has game show snafu company:

Just last month, a 12-year old Jeopardy contestant lost out in the final round because he misspelled Emancipation Proclamation.

The Hollywood Gossip


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