Thursday, May 23, 2013

Are the Kardashians Going Broke?

Are the Kardashians Going Broke?

We take it all back, Kardashians! We had no idea!

The latest issue of Star Magazine gives us a reason why Kim Tweeted about her brand of tan extenders while a tornado was wiping out parts of Oklahoma:

The family is deep in debt and desperate for cash.

Broke Kardashians?

“The Kardashians have serious financial issues,” a totally not made-up source tells the tabloid. “They do a great job of keeping it quiet... but their burn rate is out of control, and so many of their businesses and endorsements have been failures.”

This supposed insider goes on to say Kim is a "shopaholic" who charges $ 350,000 per month on her credit card. That's a lot!

Custom-clothes and Louis Vuitton handbags are allegedly Kim's soft spot, while the magazine also cites a collection of vintage cars as contributing to the debt-filled mess.

Fortunately, Kim - who earned $ 18 million in 2012, according to Forbes - does apparently have a scheme to get her loved ones out of the red.

According to ANOTHER tabloid report, she's going behind Kanye West's back as party of a greedy plot to sell her baby photos.

Hey, whatever it takes when your family's well-being is at stake, right?

The Hollywood Gossip


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