Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Madonna Gun Photo: Taking it Too Far (Again)?

Madonna Gun Photo: Taking it Too Far (Again)?

Madonna is making news for yet another photo involving her with a gun, not even 48 hours after the deadly Navy Yard shooting in Washington D.C.

While the singer is known for constantly pushing boundaries of decency, she's receiving tons of backlash for her latest stunt promoting her short film.

The upcoming endeavor, which has been dubbed SecretProjectRevolution, is said to be released next week in its entirety. Check out the photo in question:

Madonna Gun Photo

The scene shows Madonna pointing a gun at the floor, with bodies strewn around a living room, including one man who appears to be on top of a piano.

Madonna is seen in a pair of fishnet tights, a black leotard and wearing a black leather glove as she clutches the revolver tightly. What is this for, exactly?

According to the press release, the SecretProjectRevolution is aiming to "further freedom of expression and protect persecution." So, there's that.

Madonna also said in a statement:

"My goal is to show by the example of SecretProjectRevolution my creative commitment to inspire change in the world through artistic expression."

"I hope my film and other submissions to Art For Freedom will be a call-to-action and give people a place to voice their own creative expression."

This she says, will "help fight oppression, intolerance and complacency."

Madonna has never been accused of being intolerant or complacent, but some observers may be left with a bad taste in their mouths after this.

Critics have panned her decision to release a violent and graphic image in general, let alone so soon after the massacre that took place on Monday.

But this isn't a first for her. During last year's MDNA concert tour, she was highly criticized for her use of fake guns throughout the performance.

In August of last year, Madonna responded to the criticism:

"My show/Is a journey/The journey of a soul from darkness to light/It is part cinematic musical theater/Part spectacle and sometimes intimate Performance art."

"I do not condone violence or the use of guns. Rather they are symbols of wanting to appear strong and wanting to find a way to stop feelings that I find hurtful or damaging."

"In my case I want to stop the lies and hypocrisy of the church."

She decried "the intolerance of narrow minded cultures and societies I have experienced throughout my life and in some cases the pain I have felt from having my heart broken."

You tell us: Madonna using guns as performance art ...


The Hollywood Gossip


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